United States Lighthouse Society (Hansville, WA)

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Grant Programs

Preservation Grants - Full App

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts solicited applications only.

Preservation Grants - LOI App


The U.S. Lighthouse Society offers a competitive grants program to help lighthouse preservation groups across the country save the iconic coastal landmarks that help define the nation’s rich maritime history and legacy.

The first nationwide preservation grants program of its kind, the society's Lighthouse Preservation Fund and Grants Program has been set up to support a variety of lighthouse projects and will award a series of grants each year. As the Lighthouse Society’s preservation fund increases over time, so will the number of grants awarded.

More and more lighthouses have been turned over to not-for-profit groups, almost all of them based in coastal communities near specific lighthouses, as advances in navigation technology and the Coast Guard’s need to carefully target its resources render them too expensive to operate. While many do remain in government hands, many more are preservation projects typically funded through donations, group fund-raising and preservation grants from charitable foundations and local or state governments.

The U.S. Lighthouse Society makes the grants using interest from a fund generated by donations and fund investments. Many grants have been awarded to deserving lighthouse organizations since the launch of the grants program in 2015. A list of grant recipients can be found on the society’s website: uslhs.org

For those wishing to contribute to the society's Lighthouse Preservation Fund, information can be obtained from USLHS Executive Director Jeff Gales at the Society’s headquarters. Donations to the Fund are tax-deductible and will be applied to principal only so that your contribution will have longevity and will assist in generating grants annually to important lighthouse projects for many years to come.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

Year November 6 December 10

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