Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability (Ithaca, NY)

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Grant Programs

Housing Affordability and Supportive Infrastructure Grant Application


The Tompkins County 2025 Annual Budget includes $20,000 to support municipalities working to address the community’s housing shortage. In particular, this program is intended to:

• Increase the number of municipalities applying for state or federal funding related to housing affordability including, but not limited to, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), HOME, and New York State Consolidated Funding Applications (CFA), and to increase the success of these applications.

• Support new development of housing whose total costs, including utility and transportation expenses, are affordable to households with a range of incomes..

• Encourage a variety of housing types that meet the diverse needs, preferences, and income levels of Tompkins County residents.

• Increase the development of housing within Tompkins County Development Focus Areas.

• Improve and maintain the affordability of existing housing.

• Create and preserve affordable housing opportunities in manufactured home parks and improve housing conditions within the parks.

• Further goals for expanding housing affordability, as defined in locally adopted plans and the Tompkins County Housing Strategy.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

CycleA March 17 September 22


Name Notes
Housing Afforability Sample Resolution.doc If your municipal policy requires a board resolution to apply for grant funding, feel free to use this template. If a letter of support from the supervisor/mayor is sufficient, feel free to rework the “whereas” statements into a narrative/letter.

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